Sunday, January 31, 2010


okay for all you that haven't figured this out but i have a boyfriend... and he plays WOW!!! and it annoys me, i sit here doing nothing because i am bored out of my brains. I give him the silent treatment but that doesn't work... I hate to say this but i don't like spending time with him anymore.

FINALLY went out today.. took some photos...
oh and the rain stopped... it is horrible, so hot and muggy. I miss you rain please come back!!!

Found out that mum might wanna move to Melbourne that got me pretty upset and i don't wanna move... not that far away, beside we wont know anyone and i hate starting from scratch

I have a follower i got uber excited (: and thank you for following
well i am tired stayed up till 2 this morning
so i am going to catch some z's

0 eyepeepers thoughts: